How Your Sleep Habits Affect Your Mental Health


Do you find yourself having trouble sleeping or staying asleep at night? Or are you constantly tired because of the conflicting changes in your sleep patterns that are causing you to sleep less or more? Our sleep cycle and mental health are closely connected which is why it’s important to find Mental Health Care in California that will evaluate and improve our sleep habits.

Without access to quality Mental Health Services, your sleeping habits may cost you your overall health. Some of its effects include:

  • Feelings of Anxiety and suicidal ideation
  • Trigger psychotic episodes
  • Heighten irritability and mood changes
  • Sloppy brain function, low concentration, and decision-making problems

While an individual may develop chronic stress, Depression, and even bipolar disorder with poor sleeping habits, mental health conditions like PTSD and Trauma can also cause sleep disorders, in the same sense. This is why it’s important to recognize a sleep problem early and seek help and intervention.

Some may be asked by their Psychiatrist to make lifestyle changes to improve their sleeping habits. This may include creating and sticking to a sleep schedule, establishing an evening routine, taking medicines, eating foods with sleep-promoting effects, or seeking the counsel of mental health professionals.

Our professionals at Darling Psychology will not only help you sleep better. We will also help you resolve your mental health issues so you can wake up with a refreshed mind every day and live a better, more positive life. We offer Telehealth in Huntington Beach, California so you can access our care whenever and wherever you are.

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